I enjoyed a happy hour with colleagues a mojito, and then came home and weathered a tank. I don't know what it is about this process that is so cool to me. This time I took a lot of tamiya acrylic and mixed it with a very small amount of red dust from forge world. I took the rust wash and then put it around each bolt, crease or area that I thought would rust. It looked pretty rough initially, but I am happy with it now. One of the things I am trying to learn is when to stop weathering a vehicle. This poor artillery piece looks like it hasn't seen the inside of a shop since its production line. The problem with weathering this way is that it is pretty easy to make something look derelict like this, but much more difficult to paint up a tank that is well maintained but weathered. Weathering adds so much texture it is amazing, but I think it lends itself most easily to renegade forces. One more change from my weathering routine, I brushed light earth colored weathering powered all over the vehicle simulating dust.
Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI can definitely see how weathering is one of those things that can be taken too far. I suppose the only real way to get it right is through experience.
Thankfully, for myself, I like the clean look on my models. ;)
Very nice. It does kinda look like it has sat out front of a museum since the end of its service life in the rain and just generally not maintained. But definitely a good look if it were in a renegade force.
ReplyDeleteThat's really good mate, I really need to get to grips with these powders as the results can be excellent.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I went from dirty to just plain broken and ill maintained rather quickly, but I just can't stop myself. When I look at this tank next to the punisher, the cleanish punisher looks more like a toy and less like a model. If my tanks were not naturally yellow and light green I think I could use less powders/rust to make them look good. As it stands they are a bit monotone, so I have been rusting them heavily. I may try to weather my valk since it is blue. I am a little nervous about doing that though!
ReplyDeleteIt's getting hard to make an army stand-out as Nurgly with all these rusted-out loyalist IG hulks rolling around! ;)