Showing posts with label Primaris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primaris. Show all posts

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Ultramarines Primaris Inceptor Squad

I really like these new Inceptor models. I think GW hit it out of the park with these designs. My only fault is the connection between the transparent pieces and the model. I think a ball joint would have made it easier to attach these model to the bases. It would also allow for a limited amount of motion before gluing. As it is, the stands have been very difficult to keep attached. That said, I'd like to pick up more of these transparent stands for my old assault marines. I think that would make them stand out really nicely.

BTW these are not complete, just attached to bases so I can more easily highlight the gold!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Primaris Redemptor

With a few more details added, this guy is ready to sit in the cabinet awaiting full army basing. Once the bases have been determined, then the appropriate dirt and other pigments can be added.

One of the new things on this model is OSL. I almost never try OSL. I think it worked ok here. I don't love it, but don't hate it either. On the other hand, it was pretty easy. The problem I experienced was not having a good white paint. Once it started chalking up I knew I had to just stop.

Primaris Redemptor WIP

I'm making some progress on the new dreadnought. From some angles I really like the new design, but from others, he just looks top heavy. Like all of my new Ultramarines, this dread was painted to look like it had been through hell. I stiff have rust to add to the exposed metal parts, and dirt to add, but I think this is starting to look as realistic as a giant blue walking robot can.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

On The Painting Desk: Primaris Redemptor

I've mentioned it at least once before, but don't buy the Redemptor kit. Instead purchase the easy to build model. It is cheaper and less hellish to put together. That said, after struggling to put all zillion parts of this guy together, I've finally got some paint on him, or to be more accurate, paint and enamel. At the moment the model is glossy, with a brown enamel pin wash drying. Once dry, I can wipe away the excess and add rust colored streaking. One coat of ultra-matter later, and this guy can join the other un-based primaris marines in my display cabinet.

Please check out my eBay listings if you are interested in chaos marines, chaos, or bolt action. I'll be adding more soon, as my zero-spend year of hobby continues.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Primaris Reavers and Intercessors WIP

With my Death Guard completed, I needed something to just play around with and paint for fun. So I grabbed the First Strike push fit Space Marines and decided to paint up both squads. Initially I planned to make these fit in with my existing Ultramarines force, but I think I may weather these guys up substantially. This was a quick paint job, only taking an afternoon. I think a whole force painted up this way would look really great.