So I have have finally reached the point where I am not terribly embarrassed for people to know that I paint toy soldiers. This may be the result of having two serious surgeries and ceasing to care what people think of my hobbies, or maybe I have matured a bit on the way. My wife is very supportive of the hobby, so when it came time to furnish our new condo, in addition to all of the regular furniture, I decided to hunt out and buy some display cases. Since I don't game that often, they would allow me to see what I had accomplished painting-wise. The key for me was getting some nice glass cases with doors that could keep the dust off of the miniatures. I was also hoping to find a case or cases that did not ruin the look of my office.
Years ago I used to store my figs on a bookshelf, but over time they accrued dust with the adhesion properties of glue. It turns out that glass display cases are a pain to find, especially ones that could fit in my corner pie shaped office. After hunting long and hard I just broke down and bought the ikea display cases pictured here. They were inexpensive, costing two for the price of one and third baneblades. I've just finished building them, but have not populated them yet.
Oh, the other thing about surgery. It led me to just go out and purchase all the minis I ever wanted to paint guilt free. The more unpacking I do the more surprises I find. I know it is gauche to show one's loot, but think of this as a preview of what I will be painting. I have a small Grey Knights detachment, Krashkin storm troopers, Valhallan ice troopers, and a large amount of voystroyan. These guys will all be painted up to go with my ruined city bases for use with my cadians. The voystroyans will be painted in a cleaner fashion, allowing the cadians to look more like grungy mud troops. I think the traditional voystroyan paint scheme will look really nice with the grey knights. As usual, I will try to keep the reds similar so there is a cohesive look to the force. I think it will be really cool to field an IG based army with each of the different IG models Games Worship has produced. Of course, that would require me to get in a game or two every few months. Anyone up for a game in DC?
*EDIT added photos of guard and blood angels in the case!