Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Death Korps 18 Death Riders And Counting

I've managed to complete 18 Death Riders with a great deal of support by this community. I was right at the point of giving up and reworking the army list with what I have completed, but you guys kept me going.

Thank you.

I only have 7 more death riders and 1 commissar to paint. I suppose it might even happen today, though I really want to take a break and work on a competition piece. (I realize the humor that my relaxing from painting is more painting. Trust me competing pieces are easier) Once the riders are complete, I have to go back and paint chip the armor on 30 artillery crew. After that I can add decals and then weathering powder. I love the way the powder looks over the black chipped armor. Weathering powder covers up a lot of detail, but it provides a finish and texture that makes the models look much more real to me.

Before I forget, the mix I am using for my pigments is 50/50 Secret Weapon Miniatures Green Earth and SWM Yellow Earth.


  1. Ah, noble cavalry. Splendid, splendid indeed.

  2. That looks amazing. I participate in in the NOCF army painting every year to remind myself how hard batch painting is. I agree display painting is much much more relaxing :)

  3. Amazing. How many hours are you clocking per day on these?

  4. My relax from painting is painting models in TT quality using old school layering techniques. Its very nice. and the good thing is, if you feel like it you can go back and paint on them some more to add detail.

  5. Awesome army, and what a paiting speed. Once it is all done, it will look great.
    Do you mind telling me which colors you used on the vehicles?They look just the way I want to use on my guard vehicles. Thanks!

  6. Felix: I used Tamiya XF49 for the dark base, and shade it using XF-60.

    Tim: I am not working at the moment, though I do spend a lot of time going through my old company's laptops looking for documents for our attorneys.

    1. Is that from the fire? Sorry man...

    2. It happened quite a while ago. Our stuff has been trapped in the building for years.

  7. Stellar work John. You are an absolute machine!

  8. Wow, your Death Korps are stunning! A real inspiration. Keep up the great work, especially the vehicles. What colour did you use for that pale green colour on the interiors of the centaurs? It's fantastic!

    1. Thank you! If you are going to the NOVA Open in two weeks you can see them in person. The interior is Tamiya SKY, XF-21, with an oil wash of AK-Interactive interior.

  9. That's amazing work! They look even better in a group shot.
