Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sons Of Horus Thunderhawk WIP

*EDIT* added the photo above with matte varnish applied.

I thought it would be nice to take some photos of my Sons of Horus thunderhawk. I've given this model heavy battle  damage, including huge chunks blown out of the back exposing pipes and other sub-structure items. As seen in these shots, the model is coated in gloss varnish for oil washes. My original intent was to just paint this up so I could enjoy the painting, and then embed the hawk into a ruined building. My Emperor's children look especially good when they are paired with this color green.

A few hours for the pin washed to dry and then I can dull coat this guy and start the next step.


  1. Gorgeous work, man! Very well done!

  2. Trust you to build, wreck, then paint a massive kit like this, just so your EC have something to swarm over ; )

    Looking good! What's the base green?


    1. I know it seems gratuitous, but the green really makes the purple pop! The recipe is:

      1: chaos black
      2: reaper masters series Jungle Moss
      3: reaper masters series Highlands moss
      4: reaper masters series Pale Lichen
      5: Gloss Varnish
      6: Pin wash using AK dark brown oil wash.

  3. Really nice. I like the subtly different shades of green on the different panels, it makes it look more massive some how. Keep it up.

  4. Awesome work. This is a fine example of why I closely follow your blog. Cheers man ;)

  5. Thanks for the kind words. I damaged my Grex airbrush, so this was my first time putting my Iwata through the paces.

    Thunderhawks are awful to put together, but they make tremendous centerpieces for an army
