Monday, June 9, 2014

Space Wolf Test Piece

You know how I like test pieces. You may have seen this chunk of rhino before in either Sons of Horus or Emperor's Children guise. I did not bother to strip the paint this time, so mig european soil is still stuck to the lower parts of the hull. I am not a fan of that product, but that is for another day.

 I used traditional Space Wolf colors here, though I think German panzer grey would make a SW army pop more. Since I didn't paint a door, I plugged in one of the doors I painted as a test for the Imperial Knight. I think this scheme would look good with muddy pigment stained snow.


  1. I absolutely love the fact the old soil is stuck to it. This tank looks beaten, worn, and used. It has a great story just looking at the side of it!

  2. FANTASTIC weathering. Man, that's mind-blowing.

  3. The yellow door really pops, against that grey tone especially. I'm still in awe of your gradient and chipping process...

    1. Elena came over and practiced the method yesterday and it only took a few hours for her to get the hang of it. I think this is one of those techniques that you just have to see once. Any time you want to have a painting day, I think we could each learn a lot. Maybe we could do a 30k event where everyone demonstrated 1 painting technique as part of the event.

    2. We should totally do so. I think dropzone might be able to host.

    3. We should totally do so. I think dropzone might be able to host.

  4. Nice. I always was a fan of the old school (2nd ed) Space Wolves scheme with lots of grey black and yellow.
