Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sons of Horus Cerebus

At this point I really need to paint up a medic, as well as 6 jet bikes to complete the force. Painting all this green has been fun, but I've got to get back to that Imperial Knight I am painting for charity. Expect to see some progress there soon!



  2. Absolutely stunning. It's interesting to see how the earlier work is toned down by the later layers. Lets you see that you can go a bit crazy if you want, and it'll still come out ok in the end!

    1. You've hit the nail on the head there. When I saw Mig's work, my initial impression was that it couldn't possibly end up looking natural after starting so comical. The more weathering that is done more the modulation moved to the background. I still have some more powers to add and some oil stains, but those are just finishing touches.

  3. Your on the HH boards arent you? I d love to know how it gets on since i was thinking of getting one myself. that long range is the great thing... though i think it will be more effective in 6 x 8 games

    1. Yes I am on the 30K forum. I was lucky enough to take part in the Old Line Massacre, which was an incredible amount of fun. The opposing team, had one of these, possibly two, but I think they were high enough priorities that they did not do much.

  4. Ive gone with a shadow sword for My sons of horus at the momoent.. but one of these is tempting.
