Monday, July 11, 2016

3D Designs for Zone Mortalis and Space Hulk

I've always like the idea of space hulk combat, and have decided to print out some master pieces for casting that will allow me to assemble some various space hulk configurations. I couldn't find any nice STL files, so I decided to give 3D modeling a try. This is my first attempt at an overall look and feel. The software I am currently using is a bit too primitive to do much with, but it allowed this proof of concept. The process was surprisingly fun, though tinkercad is extremely limited. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Emperor's Children Phoenix Guard

After several years of waiting, Fulgrim now has his Phoenix Guard body guard squad. It took me a lot of time to jump back in and paint EC's but now that I have I think I have enough momentum to keep painting them. The hard point was figuring out my original paint recipe. With that down, I am free to have some fun again.

The last photo is my favorite. It isn't much of an army so far, but it will grow.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Emperor's Children Phoenix Guard

I've had these guys since they came out, and delayed painting them due to loads of defects on the models. To make thinks worse, I had forgotten the painting recipe for my EC purple. So with defective models, and little chance at replicating the color scheme, I dove right in with limited expectations and no stress. Somehow,  I got the scheme right. I don't know what painting gods decided to help me out, but thanks. There is a lot of shading work to do now, but I am happy with the progress so far.

Oh.. and the colors used so far:

Vallejo MC Violet
Vallejo MC Royal Purple
Secret Weapon Miniatures Soft Bodied Black

At least I hope those were the colors!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tiger II Display Base Construction

The Warlord Games Bolt Action Tiger II model has awful tracks. This is fine for wargaming, but not really acceptable for a dual use model for display or wargaming. To solve that problem I decided to build a little display base of the model.

The base was a simple wooden box that I picked up at an art craft store. After painting it black, I taped the edges and built the dirt out of a mixture of tan Magic Merlin plaster, dark earth weathering powder, static grass, ground up dry leaves, and a Tiger II track mold that I had made from a Rubicon Models plastic kit. While the plaster was wet, the static grass tufts and leaves were added. As the plaster dried and became moldable, I used the track mold, and the back of a paint brush to press in some details. After the plaster had fully set, I used an overall wash of a dark earth weathering powder. As usual, a little bit of Green Earth pigment was added. I love that stuff!

Despite the base having absolutely no gaming purpose, I think it adds a nice touch to a model that might spend more time on a shelf than in a game. After seeing how well the dirt turned out, I might just have to make an entire table using that technique.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Angron Almost Complete

Despite a few things left to clean up on the model, I am really pleased. I think this version is much better than the one in my collection. I hope he goes to a good home at the charity auction. (Is it an auction or raffle? I am not quite sure)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Angron Base WIP

One of the best things about the Forgeworld character series models are the scenic bases they come with. I was impressed with Angron's base when I painted my own copy of him, and enjoyed painting it again just as much. It is areal pleasure painting tiny dioramas like this.

Another thing I carried over from my original version of this model was the use of World Eaters on the base. I was very close to putting a Sons of Horus marine on the base as well, but I think it may have added too much interest and distracted the viewer from the central model.  I think the focus should be on Angron alone. The marines he is slaughtering are just in the way.

You may notice my use of light blue, orange, and yellow tones. This is intentional, and will help Mr. Anger stand out once he is added. Once I add blood spatters the diorama will come to life or death as the case may be. As a bonus, blood will be used to carefully conceal imperfections.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Angron WIP For NOVA Open Charitable Foundation

I figured it was time for a preview of the Angron model I am working on for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation silent auction. The cloak and base are finally close to completion, so I had the opportunity to block in some color on Angron's face. I am particularly pleased with the eyes even though the pupils are not in yet. I needed to take a break and let my own eyes recover a bit after this. Overall, I think this guy is shaping up to be much better than my own copy of the model. I'm not sure if people will be able to buy raffle tickets online, or if this guy will only be available to attendees of the NOVA Open.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

NOVA Open Charity Tiger WIP 3

Mud and weathering powders have been added. The tracks are close to completion, but may change a tad to match the display.

So do you think the winner of the raffle (or auction however the NOVA Charity Auction does it) will use the vehicle in a game? I think this is pretty much one of the most iconic tanks of WW2, but one of the worst options in a game of Bolt Action. However, I really would like something to enjoy this as a gaming piece.