Monday, July 11, 2016

3D Designs for Zone Mortalis and Space Hulk

I've always like the idea of space hulk combat, and have decided to print out some master pieces for casting that will allow me to assemble some various space hulk configurations. I couldn't find any nice STL files, so I decided to give 3D modeling a try. This is my first attempt at an overall look and feel. The software I am currently using is a bit too primitive to do much with, but it allowed this proof of concept. The process was surprisingly fun, though tinkercad is extremely limited. 


  1. I think that's all you need. After all, its scenery, not the main event. It looks good now and if it ain't broke...

  2. Really nice idea, 3D printing might well change the game of modeling and conversion work once good 3D software becomes more affordable and printers with good resolution are more mainstream.

  3. Looks good John. One main suggestion I'd have (and you seem to have done this already), is to keep flat areas so you can glue 30k/40k bits on it after the fact to add detail. That way you can just use the walls to form the structure which you can build on later.

  4. Looks good to me and I second Greg's advice there. Also I wouldn't worry about flooring or anything, use mats for that.

  5. FYI, I've got a laser-cut version of a ZM/Space Hulk table that will be for sale in the next few weeks.

  6. I was looking to do something similar, even started the 3D modelling concept work, however once I priced everything out - 3D prints, rubber, resin etc I found it was actually cheaper to buy the FW tiles instead. Though I was also planning to cast the floor as well as walls.

    1. I think that is a fair argument for the FW tiles. I already own an SLA 3D printer, so this makes good use of it. In terms of silicon, I finally found a silicon that makes really nice molds. without the hassle of getting out my pressure pot. I plan to cast in dental plaster, which is also cheaper than many resins, though I've found quite a few budget resins on Amazon recently. I think I might be so far down the rabbit hole now that cost is no longer a driving issue. Regardless, I am really enjoying the project. If I get far enough along for a table, I'll bring it to the NOVA Open 30K event this year. Don't hold me to that though!

    2. Must admit even with the extra costs it was still very tempting. If it hadn't also been the thought of spending all of my hobby time for an age casting enough bits i'd probably have still gone with it. Having a printer yourself will certainly help.

      I'm looking forward to seeing what you do, a finished ZM board do look awesome...

  7. So excited to help with this so we can add zm to our campaign!!
