Monday, January 8, 2018

Bolt Action Sherman Tank eBay Experiment

After selling a bunch of old terribly painted club miniatures, I figured I should find out how my nicely painted Bolt Action stuff would do. I have five of these Warlord Games Sherman tanks, so one of them was drafted to be part of the experiment. I rarely play Bolt Action with more than one tank per side, so five was a bit extravagant. I realize this breaks up the platoon, but sacrifices must be made in my year of zero sum hobby spending. The only money I can spend this year on my hobby, is money I have earned selling models. I think that will be a fun experiment. In the worst case scenario, I will have at least started thinning out my collections. Anyone else doing a zero-spend year?


  1. Not zero, but hitting to-do pile hard again, didn’t get any WeeMen for Crimbo either to help this aim, and will no doubt sell some along the way, so might end up zero spend, but Warhammerfest beckons in May and WHW on the Sunday too....

    1. Hitting the to-do pile is a great start. My plan is to free up space and then hit my to-do pile. I hope you manage zero-spend, but WHW is just too awesome. I might need to hook you up with a friend of mine who just moved to your side of the pond. He is a great 40k player, and I know he loves WHW!

  2. Beautifully painted! Shame you had to break up the platoo - I’ll be interested to see how much you raise with it.

    1. I appreciate the complement. I share your feelings about breaking up the platoon, but I never field them that way. I guess we will have to wait and see what the ww2 miniatures market is like. Kind of exciting!

  3. I've managed 2 years of almost zero spend, having only bought Imperial Guard Codex and cards with the release of 8th. I will be spending a bit this year on models but i keep telling myself o should sell off the stuff i don't use.

    1. Two years is really impressive. I think buying a codex and cards for 8th is completely understandable. I plan to buy stuff, but not unless I sell first. My philosophy of the hobby has to change or I will need another room to store all this stuff in!

  4. Zzzzzzero Spend ?

    hahahahahahahahhahahahahha. hahahahhahahahaaaahhhaahahaahahhhaaa, ha.

    BTW, nice Sherman. Surely selling the platoon and buying one tank (if that's what you use) would make more sense ?

    1. It might, but I've never seen anyone field more than two. I think tank wars was pretty much a bust. The scale just doesn't work.

    2. I don't know - I've enjoyed a bit of tank wars. I think it works a little better if you can access a big (like, double) table with decent scenery...and if you don't take it too seriously, of course!

  5. Beautiful tank - good luck with both the sale and the experiment in general!

    I hadn't thought of a zero-spend year, but honestly I've just sold the last of my spare stuff, so I don't think I'd manage it anyway. Great idea though!

  6. That's my situation at the moment, the money from commissions and sales comes into the PayPal account and the purchases come out of it, and neither is allowed to touch the bank account, which non-gaming issues have left on life support.

    As a result, the lead hoard is going up for sale.
