Friday, July 7, 2017

Death Guard Daemon Prince With Rust

 The rust reveal! This guys still needs some turquoise verdigris on the brass portions and smoke stains on the smoke stacks, but that will be done in batch with some other models. I really want to spend more time lavishing environmental effects on this guy, but I think it is going to be important for cohesion to do all of that at the end of bulk force painting.

Now it is time to move on to the Death Guard's first rhino transport. I've painted so many of these, this should be a fun excursion into rusting, streaking, and paint chipping. I still need to figure out a symbol for my force. Maybe I'll pull a 30k DG logo out and use that. The backstory says DG remained a cohesive legion after the failed rebellion, so that kind of works.


  1. I dig this like everything else you do. For some reason the skin seems way too healthy looking to me, though. THAT'S NOT NURGLE! ;)

    1. Thanks Mike. I wanted the skin to contrast with the green, so it it had to be a different color. I may add wet yellow ooze to the models at the very end. Mud is going to be splattered on the model as well in the final step.

    2. Don't forget the color purple. Would make the skin look more sickly.

  2. While that ooze sounds grim it might well help out. I think Mike is right that it is too healthy at the moment but over all quality painting.

    1. I'll add purples and yellows. Those are great suggestions. I am speed painting all of this stuff, so any quality is totally accidental! :)

  3. More yellow for the skin ? A sort of jaundice ? Or you could try for bruised or blotchy. I have a friend who has had a kidney transplant a young age and she never really looks well.

  4. Looking good man! His eye is certainly eye-catching (pun!), really dig the colors you're doing on these. Keep up the great work!
