Friday, March 17, 2017

Space Hulk Corridors WIP

Mordian7th, was extremely generous in sending me his already assembled Fantasy Arc space hulk scenery. I'll plug Fantasy Arc here. I am really pleased with this terrain. I think they did a phenomenal job. I went so far as to go online and order a lot their new stuff to add some fun Aliens-esque rooms to this.

With scenery in hand, I had to figure out a way to paint mostly assembled pieces. I settled on some Krylon spray paints, and figured an enamel pin wash would work to highlight the detail. I'm reasonably pleased with this color scheme, and the level of effort to lay down these base colors. It will take a few weeks to get all of this painted to the base coat level, but if I can slog through it, I think it will be a really fun Zone Mortalis table to play on.


  1. Sweeeeeeeet! I'm really glad they made it to ya (reasonably) unscathed, and they already look amazing! Good to hear you picked up some further sets from FantasyArc - I definitely felt a few more T-junctions and intersections would have been a good thing to have, and some of the new bigger rooms they've done are awesome. Looking forward to seeing 'em in person at NOVA later this year!

    Good stuff man - really happy that they're in the hands of someone who will do them justice and put them to good use!

    1. Thank you again and again! These are going to be a blast to play on. I just added one of the finished doors so you can see what the weathering looks like. I am trying to keep the painting limited to fast techniques since there is so much of the board to paint, but I just love weathering. The floors will get pigments, blood spatter, and oil strips.

  2. Holy !$@&()!@ this is AWESOME. Bloggers working together for the happiness of greg! (because I get to see these awesome works come together!)

    1. Absolutely Greg! I want to see your 30k kill team wandering these corridors at NOVA!

    2. todd and I signed up for the team game on friday. His ravenguard and my deathguard. Should be amazing!

    3. Nice! A buddy of mine and I are doing the team game as well, running the Thousand Sons and the Mechanicum that we're jointly working on. Perhaps we can have a blogger buddy slugfest!

    4. Maybe I'll need to paint a force.....
