A blog dedicated to model building and painting. It has evolved from 40k, and now encompasses 30k, historical, and scale model building.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
German Bust
This is guy completes the German MG34 team that I purchased last year. I tried some new techniques on this guy, like using oils for the coat and face. I'm not sure I like the effect, but at least it is complete.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Primaris Marines So Far
Here is a little group shot of all the Primaris marines that I have painted so far. I like the way these guys are turning out. I can easily imagine a whole army of them, which is good, since I bought enough to make one!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Repulsor WIP 3 More Parts
After a stint showing a new friend around DC, I put in some time attaching the missing parts to the tank. I think it is starting to really come together now.
Primaris Repulsor WIP 2
I had to matte coat the model in order to see the streaking, which makes the process pretty weird, but I'll be able to go and work on the streaking layer after removing matte sections as needed. Goofy, but the semi-gloss made it way too difficult to see.
This Primaris force is meant to look like it has been giving a beating to chaos. No reason to make a war machine look new!
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Primaris Space Marine Repulsor WIP
I went heavy with the paint chipping on this Primaris Repulor, partially because of my chipping fluid failure last time. Weathering will tone down the chipping somewhat. That said, this model is not fun to put together. I think this is right up there with the storm eagle for un-fun. There are too many parts, and they do not go together cleanly.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Primaris Reavers and Intercessors WIP
With my Death Guard completed, I needed something to just play around with and paint for fun. So I grabbed the First Strike push fit Space Marines and decided to paint up both squads. Initially I planned to make these fit in with my existing Ultramarines force, but I think I may weather these guys up substantially. This was a quick paint job, only taking an afternoon. I think a whole force painted up this way would look really great.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Bolt Action Panther WIP 2
The Panther is coming along nicely. I had some trouble with the spare tracks, but I think some dark washes will smooth them out a bit. The barrel of the gun needs to be reworked as well. Oil stains, and some more mud stains are still needed for the hull. I was thinking about trying to make tiny foliage branches for the model, but that might distract from the painting too much.
Will this model ever see the table top? Probably not. I do have a 'new' winter German force to paint that will eventually end up used for gaming. Most of my WW2 games are 1/72 scale these days, but I have a substantial backlog of 28mm models in the back log.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Bolt Action Panther WIP 1
I've had this resin Panther G sitting in my drawer for a long time, and figured it was time. Unlike most of Bolt Action forces, I wanted to weather this guy with paint chipping solution. So after carefully spraying on a whole lot of variable rust colors, I sprayed on three heavy coats of Mig absolute chipping. However, when it came time to chip the top layer of paint away I couldn't get it to work. I don't know what caused the paint to become un-chippable, but after using this same solution on both Death Guard vehicles, I was pretty confident in my technique. What you see on the model here is chipping done by hand. It is no where near as interesting as that which is caused naturally, but I can't leave the tank un-chipped.
I haven't decided if I want to add some kind of camouflage to the Panther, or if I should just heavily weather this guy. I was thinking about using a green squiggly pattern, or potentially hard edged green camo. A hard edge would allow me to try paint chipping solution again. That is somewhat desirable, but I wonder what it would look like to have both chipping effects side by side.
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