A blog dedicated to model building and painting. It has evolved from 40k, and now encompasses 30k, historical, and scale model building.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Death Guard Daemon Prince & Friends WIP
I found an old finecast space marine daemon prince, and have begun adding the base colors to the model. At this point in my painting I have refined my color scheme, so the bright orange has been replaced with a fleshy orange. Because I already have a squad painted with orange innards, I'll make sure to add orange to other models. I'm thinking about making the nurgle symbols orange on purple. I think that would make a cool looking battle standard as well.
I think I waited so long to paint this model because traditionally people painting chaos had to deal with armor to flesh transitions. This can be really hard to figure out how to paint. I've solved the problem using an airbrush to blend them. That gets me 99% of the way there. Then I can enjoy painting all the random crap on the model.
I really want to base these guys, but I have to wait until I have a full force. I need my mud color to be uniform, and that means it is best done in one sitting.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Hell Brute and Blight Drone
So with the Brute almost ready, I have two squads, three characters, and two vehicles painted. I think I need to paint up a Rhino or Land Raider to go with these guys. What works well these days? I haven't bought the chaos index yet, so I have no idea what my options are.
Hell Brute WIP 1
I dug around yesterday and found one of the two Hell Brutes I had in storage. I think this is a sign of just how cool the new Death Guard models are. This guy would have continued gathering dust if I hadn't been inspired by the new Dark Imperium box. I feel like I've missed out on this wonderful miniature for years. Clearly I knew it would be great when it came out since I bought a spare, but that is almost habit at this point when a new box comes out. I think I have 6 unpainted DA tac squads!
I'm spending a little more time on this miniature than the rest. The base coat is cleaner and more precise. I also added a fleshier look to him. I think once I have a few rounds of enamels on this guy he will start to shine. I am really digging this.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Old Chaos Versus New Chaos
I was planning on painting the hell brute from the last starter set. How have those models aged? Are they still worth painting?
Monday, July 3, 2017
Dark Imperium Death Guard WIP 2
I haven't decided how to approach the zombies, so instead of figuring that painting puzzle out I decided to paint some more of the details on the Death Guard. I'm itching to paint up a rhino for these guys, so that might come before the shambling horde. I am also tempted to hunt down my old Typhus model and repaint him using this new color scheme/technique.
Has anyone else broken open their box and started painting? I've seen a lack of Dark Imperium stuff online.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Dark Imperium Death Guard WIP 1
Things like lenses and faces have not been painted yet. I have to wait till I dull coat the models to remove the semi-gloss protective coat on them right now. If I don't do that the acrylic paint beads up on the lacquer surface. Normally I wouldn't take a photo of models while in this state, but I like these guys. They get a pass.
So what about basing? Cracked red martian earth would be a good base color. Alternately, I could mix up some plaster and weathering powder and make mud. That would let me splash wet mud all over their feet, and have pools of yellow water effects. The counter to that is that orange/red cracked dusty bases would contrast really well with the cool green.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Primaris Space Marines First Take
I've finally spent some time putting together the Primaris Space Marines that come in the Dark Imperium boxed set. Initially I was ambivalent towards the new models. As I've hinted at for a while, I've been slowly accumulating a large Dark Angles for to paint. Then these new models dropped. I like them a lot now. All it took was building two squads for my opinion to radically change. I'm not sure I even want to paint old GW plastic marines anymore. I wasn't expecting to experience such a shift. I agree with some of the reviews I've read online that GW must be planning to phase out the old plastics. These new models are so vastly better proportioned than the old kits. Gone are the gorilla pose marines!
So what should I paint these up as? Do go Dark Angels as planned, or do I paint these up as ultramarines and add them to the Guilliman model I already painted?
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
3D Printed Terrain Painted
I've been printing out loads of terrain on my 3D printer, but this is my first finished piece. This building represents a French town hall typically found in Normandy and will be used in our WW2 club games. I wasn't sure how well the print would take paint, so I painted this fast and loose using a giant brush and very little care. This was completed in about two hours. For a piece costing around fifty cents of material, I think it works pretty well. I did have to sand the raw print and fill in some holes using green stuff.
I guess the question now is whether this terrain is good enough for a board, or if I should go back to buying resin pieces? I like this more than MDF buildings, but maybe I should experiment with some kind of hybrid MDF+FFF.
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