Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dark Imperium Death Guard WIP 1

The Dark Imperium box set is wonderful, however GW seems to have forgotten that people have to paint the miniatures. The Death Guard models are so complex, it they really should be painted individually rather than batch painted as I did here. That way the hyper individualized sculpts can be individually analyzed. That said, I think these models are doing ok. I wish I had not lost my bright green base coat, but that was a lesson learned with my blending layers. What I thought was a semi transparent mint color went on super-opaque.

Things like lenses and faces have not been painted yet. I have to wait till I dull coat the models to remove the semi-gloss protective coat on them right now. If I don't do that the acrylic paint beads up on the lacquer surface. Normally I wouldn't take a photo of models while in this state, but I like these guys. They get a pass.

So what about basing? Cracked red martian earth would be a good base color. Alternately, I could mix up some plaster and weathering powder and make mud. That would let me splash wet mud all over their feet, and have pools of yellow water effects. The counter to that is that orange/red cracked dusty bases would contrast really well with the cool green.


  1. They look well.
    I think the martian earth colour would look well as a contrast.

  2. I think they have a ww2 vibe, mabe a trench theme lots of rusty razor wire wet mud gooey puddles etc. its a fantastic paint scheme

    1. I'm leaning towards dead grass, mud, puddles of yellow/brown water, and rusty razor wire.

  3. Very cool, I need to check your blog more often!

    1. I'm sorta surprised I haven't seen you take these guys on. They are kind of in your wheelhouse. Rust, decay, transparent layering opportunities abound! I think you'd rock them.

  4. Hi! I love your models, can I ask about the green armor tone? What colors did you used?

    1. Thanks! This is vallejo pale green used as a base, and then shaded up using their pastel green.
