In these photos he is a little wet, with some washes not dry, but I am pretty happy overall. I've found that I am not interested in painting chainswords these days, so I am going to have to do something to make painting them interesting again. When I think about what they represent, they should be amazingly cool, full of armor bits, blood, and bone. Mine look a little meh.
I reread the rules for Armies on Parade, and notice that forge world models are not allowed. That rules out the tactical squad I wanted to do using older mk armor. I love painting resin, and was really hoping to be able to paint a squad up for the new army.
I used black ink, red ink, and water to make custom thinned washes to shade red. I also tried a half dozen different reds before settling on "Clotted Red" from the Reaper Master Series for my Khorne models.
Really no Forgeworld??? I didnt see that! Must go back and have a look!