So first things first. These minis are small! Space Marines look like giants compared to them. This also means that the details are incredibly hard for me to paint. At times I was relying on brush mojo to magically land the paint where it needed to be. I found that washes were the easiest ways to paint these up, so I created soupy/wash like paint mixtures and used them instead of full strength paint. The details while hard to paint were also loads of fun to paint. I had so much fun with the FW stuff, I yanked a few imperial advisors that have been gathering dust on my painting table and sploshed some color on them as well.
the Servitor mini came out a little differently than I expected. I wanted to keep him off-white in order for him to fit in with the rest retinue, and as a way to avoid the deep red normally associated with servitors. The tiny little dots of purple on his head were also a last minute addition. I like them, but afterwards they started reminding me of Admiral Akbar, the squid-like, general from Star Wars.