Monday, August 29, 2016

Tiger Based

Today I based a Bolt Action tiger. I am beginning to think that all the models I enter into painting competitions need bases. Even a simple all black plinth is enough to make a model stand out more. I'm happy to at least have another entry for the NOVA Open capitol pallet.


  1. I did a plinth for the first time last year, and I feel like it was really effective. Following your lead from Historicon, I hit Michael's for some craft wood plaques to paint black as a display stand. I think it's really effective.

  2. It looks fantastic on the base - the scrub looks very realistic. It gives the model a context.

  3. You are just killing it with Palette entries! I have just one!!! I am going to challenge myself though, next year in 2017, I'm submitting one in the historical category. Gotta bring something american to the competition!

    1. I hope you do. If we could fill up the historical category with so many entries that it takes a full case on its own, then I will be a happy camper!

    2. QUICK! You have until Friday to paint a Renault!

  4. Just caught up with your machine gunner, wow !

    And nice kitty too.

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