Friday, September 10, 2010

Tau Test: 4 Red Tau

I grabbed my camera from the car, and painted up a few more variations of the red battle damaged tau. One of the things I learned this go around was to thin my sepia so it did not produce such dramatic changed in the color of the clothing. I kind of like these guys. I will definitely paint up 2 more of them so there is at lease a full squad.

If I go this route for troops, my vehicles will be chipped red and blue from the top, and a dirty chipped cream color underneath. I think that would look pretty good. I will use the orange for sept markings. Is this the scheme?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tau Test:Green

I have green paint. I have seemingly unlimited numbers of tau fire warriors, so how about another tau-test! This time I used reaper master series paints, and sepia wash. I am going to have to extract my real camera from the car so I can take real photos again, but I think these probably do the mini justice. After three test minis in one night I am starting to notice a trend. Hard lining does not look good on tau. I think the minis with simple base coats and heavy washes look the best. These test minis all look over worked to me.

Should I battle damage this one as well? Which color scheme do you like the most?

Another Tau Test:Blue

I am still trying out color schemes for tau. This guy was supposed to be my clean attempt, but between the iPhone photo and my painting skills it really does not look good. I think I may use grey and bolt gun stippled on the armor to see if that spices things up. As it stands I think I am going to use the legs from this model and the red armor from the previous model. Good thing I did not paint a whole squad at once right!

*EDIT my wife said add some battle damage, so I gave the the model the boltgun stipple and sepia treatment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Battle Damaged Tau Fire Warrior

I am still not sure what color to paint my fire warriors, so I thought I would try another test mini. This guy got one of the city bases even though he is not painted terribly well. I am thinking of moving to orange all around, with none of the mottled dark red. I am not sure the the battle damage works on a mini this small. I plan to try the wash technique tomorrow, which might work well with these older plastic models.

How about red brick? HDR iPhone Photo

The new iPhone iOS came out today with HDR photos. I had a bunch of minis without bases. I happened to have a bunch of easy to cast molds. You can see where this is going. Basically I have been randomly basing all of the test minis I have. Since at some point I am going to paint up some space wolves, I thought I should find a base color that works with the cool tones of their armor. I am really pleased with the adobe red brick color, and think it might just stick. Add a little dead grass and I think it is a winner.

I am not sure about the quality of the HDR photos. I think my cannon XSI produces better images.

City Kroot

After making all of those stone roadway bases, I had to put them to use. Like most painters, a lonely unit of unbased models waited on my painting desk. In truth I have several units awaiting bases. I've got some Tyranids gaunts that have been partially completed for months now. Rather than waste my new cleaner bases on the kroot, I painted over the resin bases that I had used for color tests. Watered down chardon granite followed by astronomicon grey dry brushing worked out so well it is not one of my favorite painting recipes. Add a sepia wash over the top, followed by careful drybrushing of astro-grey once the wash is dry, and you'll have what I think is a pretty cool color scheme.

So now I have city kroot. I suppose this means I have decided on the basing for the tau army and I should start constructing it. I am pretty excited about this prospect, except for the fact that I have a giant collection of FW stuff to paint. I keep squirreling it away, saving it for the day that I can really paint. It seems like such a waste to not jump feet first into pre-heresy given that I have 50+ pre heresy marines now. Or maybe I should put that titan together, or the death korps of krieg? Let's not forget the grey knight army that is primed and waiting to go, or the voystroyans I have been hording in a basket under my desk.

Perhaps I need to challenge myself by speed painting an army in a month. Maybe I need to finally unearth my unpainted striking scopions and paint some up. After all Path the Warrior was such a good book that I actually like Eldar again. (seriously, go read it!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Army Painter Primer

So with some ultra cool home made resin bases, I just had to paint up a test mini to put on one of them. Since I painted my sample bases grey, I thought yellow would provide very interesting contrast. My last attempt at yellow was so-so. This time I was armed with Army Painter yellow primer. The miniature turned out ok, but the primer did not cover the grey plastic very well. This encouraged me to keep spraying more of it on, rather than just dealing with a light coat. Once the mini was primed yellow, I started having some problems. For some reason my GW paint would not stick to the paint. The behavior was that of oil and water. I struggled through it, using far more paint than I would have liked. I like to thin my paints and use a lot of washes, which was very difficult to do with this base coat. I think I will stick with white primer and air brushes for base coats going forward.

More Home Made Resin Bases

With what little remains of my resin, I decided to create some city bases for fun. I spent much more time sculpting these than my trench bases, and am starting to get the feel for what works and what does not. I think these would be great for imperial fists. If my Death Korps ends up being warm brown colors, then these could work well as bases for them. What do you guys think? Is the broken pipe part worth having on a base?

I only made two of these molds, so there really isn't much variety right now.