Shawn's army ate mine. It was fun, I learned a lot, but I really think BA are more my style. Perhaps I do have to finish off painting troops so my BA force can be a contender. I was hoping that with the relatively small deathwing force that I was going to be minimizing the trouble of transporting them and then setting them up and playing. However versus 17ish units I just could not maneuver.
Since I was railroaded\d\d\d\d\d into playing in the NOVA (thanks jawa! :) I now have to train. I'd like to think I am Rocky in this fantasy, but really I am just training so my opponents can have relatively fast and fun games. Things I learned from game one of my training sessions.
- I need to have all special rules and main rule book rules on hand. This includes psychic powers. I am going to make a cheat sheet
- Just because my army can DS does not mean it needs to. I think I should have castled
- My bikes are glass, they shatter on everything. Best use them as last minute objective grabbers
- splitting a bike squad into two units of three, makes a single weaker unit even worse
- If I can't play to win, I should play for the draw
- DW are neither hand to hand, nor long distance fire support. I have no idea where they fit.