Showing posts with label Angels Tempest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angels Tempest. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2009

Basing Really Helps

I really dislike unbased models. I found some uninspired bases left over from my Chaos demons and thought they looked pretty good against the color scheme. I may touch these guys up in the future, or try another batch to see if I can come up with a recipe closer in keeping to the marine painter version. Toning down the orange will help desaturate them a bit.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Combat Squad Done

I just finished two more marines so the Angels Tempest at least have one legal 5 man squad. Still lacking bases, perhaps when the rains end here in Cambridge I may go out and try to buy some basing material. I think they look better as a squad. So the Angels Tempest exist because I had to have surprise heart surgery, and while I am recovering I am staying with my parents. The Angles Tempest have no back story. There is no IA for them. Any ideas?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Angels Tempest

I painted up two more of the AoBR marines this afternoon. I am still fighting with the primer and the color scheme. The white dusting is really visible on the images, but not so bad when viewed at tabletop distance. I am really unsure of the color scheme. I think I need to desaturate everything and produce clean looking rather than dirty looking models. I miss the days of GW inks!

I wish I had basing materials here, but no such luck. Since I've got time on my hands, it would be a good time to finally experiment with snow and water basing.

My original intent was to paint up a small 750 pt force and get some games in at Pandemoniam games here in Cambridge, but I think I might just have to ease up on that goal. I might just try to paint one full squad. I will be like the random 'Other Marines' that show up supporting my blood angles or something.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Test Mini

I may have been a bit too ambitious post surgery with my painting. The mini did not turn out the way I intended, but I think it has helped rebuild my skills. I am not sure I want to paint up the remaining 9 of them in this scheme. I don't have simple green here since I am not at home, so I can't strip off the bad priming. I am going to look for a better camera so I can post some better shots. The wash made the mini a little grittier than planned, but hey, it the surprises that make painting fun!

I have been thinking about the chapter symbol and have decided to use a half starburst with a white skull.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So I had surprise open heart surgery a few weeks ago, and am very lucky to be alive. I feel ok now, and am recovering away from my home. I hope this explains the long delay between posts!

Recovery takes a long time, so I have plenty of time to paint. I have a bag full of paints, and some miniatures purchased with the help of my wife and my parents. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball it seems.

On to the good stuff. I thought I would paint up a new Space Marine army while stuck here in cambridge. There is a nice store called Pandemonium Games nearby which has 40k gaming on thursdays, so I might as well paint a small army. I've been playing around with the Bolter and Chainsword's marine painter and have come up with the following color scheme. I was thinking of calling them the Angels Tempest