Showing posts with label Massive Voodoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massive Voodoo. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ogre Bust

A friend mentioned that IMPS Richmond was coming up, and that it was only two hours away from DC, so it seems like I might be going to the show this Saturday. I hate to go to a show without a model to share, so some quick work on the Roman Lappat Ogre and I think he is presentable now. This paint style will likely be the recipe I use for my Ogre Kingdoms army for Age of Sigmar. The weakest part of the model is probably the hair, though the base is pretty bas as well. I didn't have a plinth to put him on, so I chopped a chuck off of a wooden ruler and painted it black. Hopefully that works!

Anyone else going to the IMPS Richmond show this Saturday? Anyone have a critique they'd like to share? I would like to touch up major flaws before this weekend.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ogre Bust WIP

This Ogre bust was a gift from Roman Lappat, whom you might know as Jarhead from Massive Voodoo. My wife and I were traveling through Germany and stopped by to hang out and get some lunch with Roman and Eric. To my surprise, he provided a resin cast of one of his sculpts. With my hobby mojo low, this model sat on my desk for a few months. After cleaning my desk (ok..mostly) I needed some zen time, and set to work on it. I had forgotten how peaceful painting is. I really enjoyed playing with the flesh tones, but my focus was on the ogres eyes. I want this guy to look human. As you can tell the brown areas are not painted yet, and there is additional l work to do on the ogres scars, on his runny nose. I'm tempted to paint him as if he were crying, using gloss paint to make the tear marks. I think those could work well with the inevitable blood splashes. Maybe this ogre regrets killing but can't stop. There is definitely a sadness to the sculpt that I enjoy.