Showing posts with label Lord of the Rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord of the Rings. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Lord of the Rings Iron Hills Dwarves Completed!

I had thought that LoTR was a small model count game, but I guess not! This forces was painted for a friend of mine that I met just before the NOVA Open this year. We hit it off, and after describing that he would like a force painted to look like beaten leather armor instead of metal armor, I decided it was worth the challenge. So two months later, and the force is ready to be packed off and sent to him in the UK. One of my worries is that the weathering powder will be vibrated off of the models, and that the somewhat fragile AK-Interactive dull coat might come off.

Would I paint another commission? Maybe.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

A Dwarf And His Pig

The huge Lord of the Rings army is complete! All I need to do now is glue the chariot down, and get on with the blood and gore. Finally!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Basing With Dirt

Instead of carefully making fake soil, and then priming it black and painting it. Why not just use the right colored dirt. That cuts out the middle man and gets these dwarves closer to completion. I like it. Just in case the owner of this army ever need to base any more models, I'll include a packet of dirt in the box. This soil is from a dirt path that crosses Pennsylvania Ave in Washington D.C. The super glue purifies it. At least that is what I'm telling myself.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


I'm getting close to the end of the Iron Dwarves project, and it is beginning to feel like a grind. What makes it difficult is nearly finishing each unit, but then having to move onto the next. I have to do this so basing and weathering are consistent at the end of the project. That produces a nicer effect, but it also delays the enjoyment of seeing finished models. I can't wait to see these guys based.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Even More Dwarves

Back from vacation, and it was time to knock out the last squad of spearmen and two banner bearers. I'm finally beginning to see the light of day on this project. It is much more satisfying when you can see a model based and gore/mud splatted at the end of painting, but for this project I am having to wait. I really want to move onto basing and environmental effects. The flags just look incomplete to me until they are splattered with mud and blood.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

More Dwarves Again

I planned to finish 24 models today, but instead of doing 24 pikemen, I decided to reward myself by painting up 12 crossbow men instead.  It was a nice change of pace, but that means I have 12 more pikemen to do.

So many dwarves!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

More Dwarves

I finished the first full squad of Dwarfs today, and am really happy with the color palette I chose. Blue, green, orange, and purple are such a harmonious set of colors, I am beginning to wonder why I don't always paint this way. So 17 models down, 83 to go. Man that seems like a long haul!

Painting Lord of the Rings Miniatures

This 100 model army is being painted for a new friend I met at the NOVA Open. He was so taken by my beaten leather beast man model, that he offered me an entire 40 model forgeworld army to paint. I couldn't resist the offer, so now I am painting 100 resin forgeworld dwarf models.  Scope creep. It is a thing. The doubling in size has me using every fast painting trick I know, since I want to ship this back to him as soon as possible so he can get some games in. I might have to try the game out once before I ship it. These models are just so lovely.