Monday, January 16, 2012

Bloodletters of Khorne WIP

I've had some Bloodletters stowed away for some time, and after reading the Chaos Marines codex, decided to paint them up to use as summoned lessor daemons. The fact that they can pull dual duty for both the chaos marines and chaos daemons codexes is a bonus. I think I am going to go for an all daemon army as well, just to have something different to throw down. After all, with all those Grey Knights armies around, it only seems right to have some deamons for them to face now and then.

No matter how you cut it, painting 30 miniatures is tedious. If I had not had an airbrush I would not have even attempted this. From the photos you can see that the base colors are down, and I am painting up the metallic bits. Each model has around 50 raised bumps, which I will probably have to paint by hand. I plan on painting the nubs white or orange. Before that i will need to pour 30 resin bases, so these guys have something to stand on. So with all that work, by Friday these guys should be ready for the table top. Not bad for two troops choices!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chaos Dreadnought and Changer of Ways WIP

 Continuing the speed-painting-a-thon, I decided to paint up a Chaos dreadnought that I nicked off ebay for a steal. If the price had not been so good I might not have bothered, given how much I dislike metal models. In another transaction I managed to pick up some dreadnought weapons as well. One of the things I like about new models is that edges are crisp, and there is little difficulty in figuring out where to paint. The older models require a measure of looseness in painting style that works great for speed painting, but makes it difficult of me to paint clean models. Despite this, I really enjoyed dousing this old guy in paint. I think he looks great with the army.

Given my inability to actually finish a model, while painting the dread, I decided to paint up a changer of ways greater daemon as well. The palette is completely different, and will fit with the all daemon army that I've decided to build to complement the Chaos Marines. I suppose I could magnetize the daemons to their bases, and have square or round bases depending on game system, however I am not sure I want to slow down my painting with all that drilling. My wife loves the Daemon, so I must have done something right!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chaos Possessed & Ultra Marine Traitors

and now back to our regular programing.....

After the fun I had painting the berzerkers, I decided I had to paint up the box of possessed space marines, I've had sitting on my bench for several years as well. I love the models, however I had a really hard time understanding how the paint them. The fact that the hard sharp armor is melting into daemon form, makes it difficult to paint sections without blending them all together. I decided to use my airbrush and paint them as if they were turning into pure daemons. I tried to add just enough areas of hard edges for contract that the minis would be interesting. I am not sure if they look like they go with the whole army, but the basing does tie them in a little more. All of the daemons I paint are going to be vivid colors, so there is some rational for it.

The next thing any Chaos force needs is a unit of turncoat ultramarine terminators. I painted these out to see if I could reproduce the heavily weathered ultra-marine I painted eons ago. I failed. I have no idea what I did wrong, but the mojo was off, and these guys just turned out alright.

All of this Chaos stuff does not mean that my Necrons are done. I am just taking a break so I can focus on some random colors. This is sort of like a painting interlude!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Standard Dice

Tournaments should provide players with tournament dice.

There, I said it.

How many times have you seen players change out their dice when they need a certain roll? Why not just remove any doubt of irregularly by removing it from the game altogether?

Ok, mini-rant over, back to the regular modeling and painting content.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Chaos Khorne Berserkers

I started painting this squad years ago. In fact, they sat so long that when I decided to paint them I had to wash them under the sink remove years of dust from the partially completed paint jobs. My techniques have changed quite a bit from those used when these guys were started, but I am really pleased with these none the less. I think I just needed a non-Necron diversion. I wanted to paint a squad start to finish. I wanted to toss these guys on the test bases you see, and just enjoy their ferocity every time I glance at them in the cabinet. I might even paint some more Chaos goodies now. It was so fun just painting something different that I feel like I may need to paint that old Chaos dreadnought I found on ebay. I have no idea how to put together a chaos army, but I think if I just paint what I want, I'll end up with something enjoyable on the table.

So I've been bit by the Chaos Marines bug. Does that mean I intend to paint cleanly and carefully? Nope. My plan is to speedier paint a force of these guys. I just want to enjoy loose brush strokes and the freedom of heavy washes, weathering, and verdigris. How long will this chaos spurt last? I think just long enough for me to use up all those black rusty test bases I painted up for no apparent reason. I may do something I rarely do, which is go back and take finished older miniatures, and weather them up, rebase them and make them fit in some kind of visually coherent way.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Necron Army Update

I've made a lot of progress on my Mint-crons recently. The Stormlord and Trazyn are complete, as are the death marks, and the Praetorians. I based both scratch built crypteks, painted another, as well as painted up a Heavy Destroyer I found neglected in the back of an independent hobby shop. (see there is a reason to go to non-GW stores!)  I also managed to paint up 10 more warriors yesturday.

Visually the biggest army wide impact have been the blue power tubes attached to the rank and file necron warriors. I have not decided what color to paint the power cables test, but once I do, the last step will be basing all of them. Warriors have a wide stance, which makes them fit poorly on normal GW bases, so I may gin up some resin bases for them. My last completely unpainted models are 4 bases of scarabs.

I'm glad the end is in sight. I love the new Necron models, but there just isn't enough variety to keep and hold my interest. I find myself itching to paint some good old power armor.

I wish everyone a happy new year, and oh peace.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Black Templars Music On Vinyl!

Sometimes really weird stuff shows up at the office. A friend of mine from college sent me a note asking for an address to ship something that "I would not want, and probably could not use." Naturally I thought it was related to college gag we had going years ago. What turned up from the good Dr. was incredibly cool, a Black Templars themed album. In every way this hits the 40k button perfectly for me. Modern retro! (notice the soft orange leather ottoman in the background---mid century modern is where it is at people) I may have retro furniture, but I do not have a record player. I'll have to rectify that. I mean who doesn't want to hear tracks like:

The Emperor's Champion
10-inch record pressing

Side A
"Abhor the witch, destroy the witch"
"Uphold the honor of the Emperor"

Side B
"Accept any challenge, no matter the odds"
"Suffer not the unclean to live"

What an awesome gift this is. I thought that the two pre-heresy land raiders by wife gave me for Christmas were cool. This is far cooler. I've been wearing a smile since this arrived. Maybe this is a sign to use all those FW goodies I've been collecting and make a Black Templar force?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trazyn and Imotekh WIP

I am nearing the home stretch of having enough HQ/royal court members to start playing games with my Necrons. I am ready to paint something else for a while. I am eager to base all of these guys, put dust on their legs and get them on the field of battle.  I like both of these guys as HQ choices. I could see myself running a mostly royal court army just for fun, maxing out on crypteks and scarabs, and taking minimum sized troops choices. It wouldn't be a tournament list, but it could be a lot of fun to see what happens when there are 10 crypteks on the field all in small squads. What are the other fun cryptic lists?