I used an airbrush to base coat these guys, and have done very little highlighting, focussing instead on blending them into the background. I threw together some dirt bases, and since I was working with test models, I went ahead and tried the forge world earth colored powder around each of the models legs. I did this once before basing them which was a mistake since the powder came off while trying to hold them down for the glue to dry. I am really liking the powders. I recommend that everyone goes out and gives them a try. You can always grind up pastels found at local art supply stores if you don't want to mess with international shipping.
I now have a force containing GW, DW, and RW! Which means if I ever get around to playing the game, I have a very colorful and characterful army. Should I go back and paint the full 10 man tac squad I have ready to go? Should I paint up another rhino while I remember the recipe?