Thursday, April 24, 2014

On The Painting Table

Since photos of painters workspaces are so popular, I thought I would share mine. Yep, zero space. I've managed to completely fill an 8 foot table with a variety of projects. What you see here is my repaint of my IG tanks. In this photo each step of the painting process can be seen. I think my next job is to clean up my workspace! After that, some Nova Charitable Foundation Work. I've got a Knight Titan with LED's ready to hit the paint phase.


  1. It goes in waves. I have my ultra scouts for NOVA, some rackham dwarves and a custom sculpted giant squig all sitting on my desk in line for their respective sessions with the airbrush. They are all nicely organized though ;) For an A type personality like me that chaos makes me very tense - LOL!

  2. Looking cool man, be great when they're finished

  3. Wow, the one stage of your tank painting looks like it came straight out of borderlands. Amazing!

    1. I don't know what borderlands means, could you help me with the reference! :)

    2. Borderlands is a game from gearbox software. It uses a heavy lineart style to it's graphic engine.

      In your pre camo stage of your tank, the sharp lines remind me heavily of this style. It's quite cool looking! Quite some skill and patience there!
