My first space marine chapter is the the Iron Scythes, or Ferum Falux Chapter. The Angels Tempest outline is very similar, but I love the detail. After painting blood angels for a while, I am ready for more complex painting again. I am not sure the Angels Tempest are different enough. My technique has changed quite a bit since I started the Iron Scythes more than a decade ago with the RT plastics. I used to paint directly out of the pot. Recently I have been watering down my paints quite a bit, or using an acrylic thinner. I like the way detail is kept with the new style, though colors are not as vivid.
Painting Iron Scythes In Powered Armor: (terminators are different)
- Prime Black
- heavy drybrush rust colored red (some old Ral Partha paint) over the whole body.
- Add white to the rust color which turns a little pink. It is important to drybrush this very lightly
- Paint the tops of the feet the shoulder pads and the backpacks with dark brown.
- Paint elbows, knee pads and should trim in golden yellow.
Nicely done, that scheme is pretty cool.