Stream of Painting Begins:
I noticed an unattached but painted powersword abandoned in the forgotten painting region of my desk.
Which lead to:
That looks pretty good, too bad there is no body attached to it. Let's attach it to a body.
Which lead to:
The body looks like some kind of officer. Let's add a command squad. Better add a nuncio-vox operator for no apparent reason. Now there is a Nuncio Vox, I better a
Which lead to:
Oops, I used a crux on one of the random dudes. Now I need to paint hist helmet white.
Which lead to:
Now that I have to paint white, why not paint the helmets of that old veteran squad I've also had lingering in the forgotten painting wasteland.
Which Lead me to this:
Hopefully that blue goo protects those nicely airbrushed heads and shoulder guards. hopefully the goo comes off! I'll let you know tomorrow.