Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Desert Malcador With Battle Cannon

I needed something to kickstart my painting again, so rather than paint this tank for one of my forces, I decided to paint it as a stand alone piece. As far as tanks go, this one has seen better days. It is painted as a beat up desert vehicle with oil leaking everywhere. I was tempted to add sharp irregular pale blue camo to this, but resisted. In hind sight, the blue would have worked really well. I haven't quite regained my painting mojo, but this was fun.


  1. Love it. The engine bay in particular is a nice detail. What color green did you use?

    1. I have no idea what color I used, I’m sorry about that, it was sort of stream of consciousness as I painted.

    2. Looks like one of the Tamiya XF12, XF14 or XF23 Acrylic Paints, I would plumb for XF14

  2. Lovely work, on a lovely tank! Always loved the Malcador, it's got so much room for great detailing and weathering. Good stuff, man!

  3. Sweet ride! I too love the Malcador chassis. Great tanks, all of 'em! Any guardsman should be honored to die in the company of such a machine.
