Friday, January 14, 2022

Ancient Resin Land Raider Upgrade Kits

I've always wanted to see what extra armor, the command kit, and the FW ultramarine doors would look like on a Land Raider. There's no time like now. 

I've just started the paint chipping process with this model. Once the brown/black chips are done, I'll highlight them and then add a layer of matte varnish. At the moment the model is a mixture of satin and matte, which makes it look less unified. After that I get to tackle oils. I'm really looking forward to that phase, but till then....chipping...chip chip chipping.. 



  1. Beautiful kit, loving the extra armour

    1. I put mine on my Terminus Ultra Lascannon party bus -

  2. I think I like the profile of yours more. The command bits and armor together might be a tad much! That screen door you got going on is another thing. AFVs can't have such obvious vulnerabilities. ;)

  3. Looks good. I gotta get back to painting. I don't like big models so I doubt I'll do any this year. But maybe next, there are just so many kits these days, you can't collect and paint them all.

  4. Those upgrades are cool, I think they make them for rhinos too right? I should have picked some up before they went OOP for my ancient rhinos.

  5. I love hearing/seeing from you again. Stunning as always!

  6. Hi there Mr. Stiening, been a huge fan of yours ever since I found your blog way back in the early days of the internet, loved following your Krieg army project. Was curious if by chance you'd ever be open to doing commissions, would love the chance to get some small things done by yourself! How can I contact you outside of Blogger?

  7. I love hearing/seeing from you again. Stunning as always!

  8. 안녕하세요 모든 사람들은 뻐근한 몸과 지친 피로를 풀기 위하여 내가 원하는 장소에서 이용 할 수 있는 대전출장마사지 이용을 많이 선호 하고 있습니다.

  9. Nice post thank you Derek
