Wednesday, January 10, 2018

On The Painting Desk: Primaris Redemptor

I've mentioned it at least once before, but don't buy the Redemptor kit. Instead purchase the easy to build model. It is cheaper and less hellish to put together. That said, after struggling to put all zillion parts of this guy together, I've finally got some paint on him, or to be more accurate, paint and enamel. At the moment the model is glossy, with a brown enamel pin wash drying. Once dry, I can wipe away the excess and add rust colored streaking. One coat of ultra-matter later, and this guy can join the other un-based primaris marines in my display cabinet.

Please check out my eBay listings if you are interested in chaos marines, chaos, or bolt action. I'll be adding more soon, as my zero-spend year of hobby continues.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Bolt Action Sherman Tank eBay Experiment

After selling a bunch of old terribly painted club miniatures, I figured I should find out how my nicely painted Bolt Action stuff would do. I have five of these Warlord Games Sherman tanks, so one of them was drafted to be part of the experiment. I rarely play Bolt Action with more than one tank per side, so five was a bit extravagant. I realize this breaks up the platoon, but sacrifices must be made in my year of zero sum hobby spending. The only money I can spend this year on my hobby, is money I have earned selling models. I think that will be a fun experiment. In the worst case scenario, I will have at least started thinning out my collections. Anyone else doing a zero-spend year?

Friday, January 5, 2018

Primars Reavers (Easy To Build)

I finished a second set of the easy to build Primaris Reavers today. I still don't know what my blue recipe is, despite a lot of trial and error. The original batch is vastly better, but I think these fit in pretty well. As for basing, no idea. I'll probably default to the same basing I've used for years, cracked concrete. The advantage to that is that these will fit in with the rest of my modern armies.

Thoughts on the new kits.... great...if you only include the easy to build stuff. I think the dreadnought is hellish to build. I'm a huge fan of the easy to build stuff. Sure, I won't have all the cool gadgets, but I will have enjoyed the model building and painting process that much more than I would have if I had spend hours deciphering ridiculous instructions.

*Edit... the new reavers have developed awful white-ish stains in the crevices. It seems the AK-Interactive ultra-matte I used reacted poorly with the enamels. The color is good underneath however, so, I just added a heavy wash of army painter strong tone, to try and recover the models. If this doesn't work these are going to be paint stripped and re-painted. Annoying, but necessary. This army doesn't get to have crap minis in it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sons of Horus Dreadnought

After taking 60 photos of this guy, I think it is time to give up. These are the best shots I can get of him. Clearly, my photography skills have atrophied! Nonetheless, I am happy with the model, and look forward to putting it next to my original SoH dreadnought. Even though my style has changed  since I started my SoH army, I think this guy will fit in just fine. And if you disagree with that, he's got plenty of firepower to convince you. :)

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sons of Horus Contemptor WIP 1

I haven't painted a 28mm 30k unit in a while, so I grabbed a dreadnought that had been languishing under my desk for several years and made some progress. This guy was is fully magnetized, so the arms move, and the missile launcher comes off. What you see in the photos is the first phase of painting. It is at this point that I varnish the model and add transfers. That is my worry. My transfers are pretty old now. I'm hoping they don't silver, but I think that is real risk. Despite that, I am eager to push the project forward. After transfers I can begin enamel pin washes and oil streaking. That is my favorite part of painting. Environmental effects totally change a model.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Myphitic Blight-Hauler WIP

I want to end the year by finishing my Death Guard army, which means I need to finish painting the easy build Blight Hauler, 10 more zombies, and the old metal Typhus. I'm painting very loosely and enjoying every bit of it. There is a good chance I'll get this all done. The weathering powders need to moved around , and things like eye lenses need to be painted, but I am so close.

God this thing is ugly!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Epic 30k Table

We got in a little learning game of epic 30k last week, and despite lots of rules questions, I am sold on the game. Epic 40k has an almost Bolt Action feel to it, which I really like. The ability for units to go on overwatch really changes how involving a game can be. Suddenly fire lanes matter, and properly positioning forces requires skill. Sure, it can be played fast and loose, without relying on supporting elements, but I suspect players who play that way will quickly grow frustrated at the lack of momentum they are able to maintain with their forces.

This is a good game.

Terrain-wise, I think thing the quality of the mechanics and miniatures is going to dictate that a new table be constructed. I might start with this existing table as a base, and just clear of the stinky resin pools. Alternately, this table could go to the table graveyard that is my storage unit, and wait for the day when we can have two or more epic tables in play at the same time.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Quick & Dirty Epic 30K Terrain

I have an epic 30k game coming up this Tuesday, so I figured I could use some family down time while everyone is out being cheerful, and upgrade my post apocalyptic city ruins. I've added several types of weathering powders, and static grass. Hopefully when this all dries it will look a little more consistent. The little buildings came out vastly darker than I expected, but I think it will work on the table.

I hope everyone is having a relaxing holiday.